Tuesday, June 10, 2014

TOW #30

Dear New AP English Student,

Prepare for a year of stress and fun. I promise, that's what this class will bring you. AP English isn't a class to fret over, though, because as your very wise teacher will tell you, "It's only school". TOW's, or these blogs that you're reading now, will be a pain, but in hindsight, they do give exposure to more writing and nonfiction. That's another thing-nonfiction. I have never liked nonfiction before I had this class, and now, I can't get enough of it! I promise, whether you are a fiction person or even a romance novel person, you will enjoy at least one aspect of nonfiction before the year ends.

Mr. Yost is a pretty cool guy, so don't go too hard on him. Always remember to do homework, and if you don't, just be honest about it. He gets it. Prepare to do endless amounts of writing! In class essays are never the best days, especially if you're writing them first period, which was often the case for my class; however, as you go through the year, you are sure to get much better at them! Don't get down on yourself because of your first marking period grade, either, because let's be honest, that first summer essay most likely really brought  your confidence level down a few notches. By the third marking period, you will hopefully be on your way, or at the level of an A!

Vocab lessons are a great way to not only open yourself up to the language of english, but also to get some good prep for SATs. Pay attention to roots! Presentations always come at the end of the marking periods, and be sure to always work with people that you KNOW can get work done. Mr. Yost also happens to be the public speaking teacher, so you will be graded on posture and voice for once in your life. The class is great, and will teach you so much about how you write. Have fun with it, but know when to be serious. Laugh in class (especially at Mr. Yost's weird jokes), and be creative! It's better if you're into it, and don't forget-- IT'S ONLY SCHOOL.

Alyssa Ryan
Last TOW of APENG 2013-2014

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