Sunday, February 2, 2014

TOW #17: Superbowl commercial (Budweiser)

In light of the recent football game, I decided to analyze the Budweiser superbowl commercial. This commercial is difficult, because, as adorable as it is, it does not relate to the product whatsoever. In a way, the commercial is both effective and ineffective at the same time. Coincidentally, most of the superbowl commercials are like this, including the ones about Bud Light and Doritos.
    In the commercial, it begins with a puppy at an adoption farm. One of the puppies escapes its little pen and runs off under a fence and into a barn- only to see it's much bigger friend, a horse. This automatically attracts the viewer not only because the puppy is adorable, but because the relationship between the horse and the dog is strange, and it leaves you wanting more out of the story. As the commercial goes along, the viewer sees that a young man owns the barn with the horse, and a young woman owns the puppy and the puppy farm. And surprise, surprise, they end up together at the end of the commercial, because the man has to repeatedly return the puppy back to the puppy farm. Ultimately, this commercial touches on the emotional and "aw
www" senses of the audience, but is that enough to sell the product? My answer is no.
   The commercial's goal is both to be entertaining and sell the product- beer from Budweiser. The thing is, though, not a single beer is seen throughout the entire commercial. In this sense, the commercial loses its effectiveness. Some may argue, though, that the commercial does leave a mark in the audience's mind because of how emotional and cute it was, but at the same time, you may remember the commercial, but not what the commercial is for. I will agree, though, the slogan "Best Buds" does put a reminder in the viewers' minds about what the commercial advertises. Personally, I do remember because every year, Budweiser has the same kind of commercial- with an emotional appeal. It also features the same actor as well.
    This was definitely a tricky commercial to analyze because it had many factors that could have went into making it effective or ineffective. Overall, though, I think in its purpose, the commercial was completely ineffective, and would leave the audience with no remembrance of what the commercial was actually advertising- but instead, leaving the image of a cute little puppy dancing with a horse, which makes no connection with beer at all.

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